2023/2024; 2024/2025
Ph.D.: Monitoring of Fluvial Ecosystems; MSc.: Weed Science (coordinator), Plant Protection, Crop Protection; Graduation: Agricultural Botany (coordinator), General Botany; Pest and Diseases (Forestry); Professional Stage (Agronomy)
2021/2022; 2022/2023
Ph.D.: Monitoring of Fluvial Ecosystems; MSc.: Weed Science (coordinator); Graduation: Botany (coordinator), Botany & Zoology, Pastures and Forages: Production, Conservation & Management
Curricular Units: Weed Science (coordinator), Botany (coordinator)
Curricular Units: Weed Science, Botany (coordinator), Botany & Zoology, Ecology, Monitoring Ecosystems
Curricular Unit: Weed Science (5 H+3H; Herbologia), MSc. Bologna
Seminar of the Internacional Ph.D. Programme FLUVIO-River Restoration and Management: Macrophytes, indices and intercalibration of Mediterranean rivers
Invited Lecturer
Curricular Units: Ecology, Ecology of Communities, Management and Conservation of inland freshwater ecosystems, Forest Ecology and Nature Conservation, Biodiversity and Conservation (4 to 12 H year)
Invited Professor
Curricular Unit: Ecology (36 H; PT: Ecologia) Carbon Cycle and Biomass fluxes; Functional plant ecology (24 H)
Invited Researcher
Seminar Ph.D.Restoration and Fluvial Management/ Internacional Ph.D. Programme FLUVIO-River Restoration and Management
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)
Bologna Master in Biology of Plant Resources (MBRV) -Curricular Unit Stream ecology. Lecture (2:30h): Riparian and aquatic vegetation: characteristics, functions, assessment and prioritizing restoration 5.03.2021
Bologna Master in Biology of Plant Resources (MBRV) – Curricular Unit Ecotechnology and marine biotechnology. Lecture (2:30h): Riparian zones: characterization, assessment of ecological quality and monitoring. 27.10.2020
Invited Researcher
Seminar Ph.D. Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. Lecture (2:30h): Environmental constraints of riparian forests: functional, taxonomic or remote-sensing approaches?
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (EESBCR)
1999/2000- 2005/2006
Professor and Coordinator of 4 Curricular Units of the Course Engineering of Biological Production:
Climate and agrometeorology (4H week; 1st year, 2nd semester; PT: Mesologia)
Pedology (4H week; 2nd year, 1st semester; PT: Pedologia)
Agriculture (6H week; 2nd year, 2nd semester; PT: Agricultura)
Forestry Production (4H week; 4th year, 1st semester; PT: Produção Florestal)
Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco
Invited Professor
Curricular Unit: Botany (8 H week; PT: Botânica) and Projects (6 H; PT: Projetos)
Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém
Assistant Professor:
Curricular Unit: Agricultural Botany (PT: Botânica Agrícola) (14 H week)
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia do Porto Universidade Católica (AESBUC)
Curricular Unit: Pollution and Soil Treatment (40 H; 2 courses; PT: Poluiçãoe Tratamento de Solos)
Course of Stream Ecology. Aquatic flora ecology – macrophytes 12-13 March 2011, IMAR, Coimbra.
Course Evaluation of Environmental Quality using biological methods. Macrophyte communities and their drivers. 2. River assessment methods with river plants: state of the art, 7-8 October 2005, Instituto do Mar, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra.