Aguiar, Francisca C., Lozanovska, Ivana, Rivaes, Rui Pedro. 2024. Predicting changes of aquatic flora to guide restoration efforts in human-disturbed rivers. Programme and Abstracts. 66th Annual Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, 16-20 September 2024, Funchal: Madeira: 42.
Aguiar, Francisca, Feio, Maria João, Almeida, Salomé F.P., Calapez, Ana Raquel, Gebler, Daniel, Lozanovska, Ivana, Rivaes, Rui Pedro. 2023. Macrophytes in uncertain freshwater futures: effects of climate change in a Mediterranean regulated river. In: Jonas Schoelynck, Bart Slootmaekers & Giulia Lodi (Eds). Book of Abstracts, 16th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants, Antwerp, Belgium, 13–17 November 2023, University of Antwerp, Belgium: 23-24 p.
Aguiar, Francisca, Rui Rivaes, Maria João Feio, M. Rosário Fernandes, Salomé F.P. Almeida, Luisa Schmidt, Ana Delicado, Alexandra Correia, Ana Calapez, Ivana Lozanovska, Maria João Martins, Joana Sá Couto, Teresa Ferreira, Pedro Segurado. 2023. Fluvial vegetation affected by regulation provides gains and losses of Ecosystem Services. 65th Annual Symposium IAVS 2023: The future of vegetation in the 22nd Century 3-8 September 2023, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Aguiar, F. C., Couto, J. S., Schmidt, L., Delicado, A., Rivaes, R. 2022. River-human connections and affinity for nature of local populations to regulated rivers. Abstract Book 13th SERE Conference: SERE2022 Restoring Nature, Reconnecting People, 5-9 September 2022, Alicante, Spain: p. 208. (oral communication presented by F.C. Aguiar) [Link]
Aguiar, F. C., Rivaes, R., Segurado, P., Ferreira, M.T., Schmidt, L., Feio, M.J., Almeida, S.F.P., Fernandes, M.R., Correia, A., Calapez, A., Delicado, A., Mortágua, A., Vieira, C., Gebler, D., Lozanovska, I., Couto, J.S., Sales, M., Martins, M.J., Silva, P.C. 2022. Ecosystem Services of riparian forests in uncertain hydrological and land-use futures. Book of Abstracts RIPA-1: First International Conference on Riparian Ecosystems Science and Management, 6-8 April 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia: p.15.
Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Rivaes R, Lozanovska I, Ferreira MT, Silva PC, Fernandes MR. 2021. How regulated flows affect the provision of riparian ecosystem services? In: Eva Debinski, Martin Diekmann, Javier Loidi, Susan Wiser & David Zelený (Eds.). Book of Abstracts 63rd. IAVS Symposium, 20-23 September 2021, International Association for Vegetation Science: p.13. doi:10.21570/ABS-2021-63
Aguiar FC, Lozanovska I, Rivaes R, Vieira C, Ferreira MT. 2021. Further downstream where natural and regulated communities meet. Abstract Book Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEF12 Virtual Conference, 25-30 July, Dublin: 38.
Aguiar FC, Rodrigues C, Soares P. 2019. Burning again? A story of dark days, landscape regeneration and novel environments in Portugal. 62nd Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research, 14-19 July 2019, Bremen, Germany.
FC Aguiar. Project RIVEAL- Objectives, organisation, activities and outputs. Workshop Project RIVEAL – RIver and riparian forest Values and Ecosystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered LandscapesP, 15 January 2019, Auditorio Pavilhão Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal [Link]
Aguiar FC, Fernandes MR, Martins MJ, Ferreira MT. 2018. Effects of a large irrigation dam on aquatic and riparian plants: a history of survival and loss. International Conference in Ecological Sciences – Sfécologie2018, 24 October 2018, Rennes, France: 496.
Aguiar FC, Fernandes MR, Ferreira MT, Martins MJ. 2018. Surveying the past on reliquial habitats: the Guadiana river in the post-Alqueva era. Limnologia 2018 – XIX Congresso da Associação Ibérica de Limnologia, 24-29 June 2018, Coimbra. [Link]
Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Silva PC, Chelu A, Fernandes MR, Ferreira MT. 2018. Into the human-disturbed landscapes: functional trade-offs between abundance and diversity in riparian plant ecosystems. 3rd International Conference on Integrative Sciences and Sustainable Development of Rivers. IS Rivers 2018, Lyon 4-8 June 2018.
Aguiar, F.C. Local adaptation to climate change in Europe: a comprehensive overview. Full Conference program. 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference “Our Climate Ready Future”, 5th-9th June 2017, Glasgow, UK: 334-335. [Link]
Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Silva PC, Fernandes MR, Ferreira MT. 2017 Stressed riverscapes: riparian vegetation history in time and space. 60th International Association for Vegetation Science Annual Symposium 2017 Vegetation patterns in natural and cultural landscapes, 19th-24th June 2017, Palermo, Italy. [Link]
Riparian landscape changes downstream run-of-river dams and storage reservoirs. EWRS Aquatic Plants 2015. 14-18 September 2015 Edinburgh, UK.
Are dams regulating diversity of riparian forests? Functional trade-offs and synergies in Mediterranean Europe. 57st Annual Synposium of the Association for Vegetation Science, 1-5 September 2014, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. [Link]
FLOWBASE: base de dados de atributos funcionais de plantas lenhosas ripárias. Part II. FLOWBASE: Background, Design and Contents. 12 June 2014, Pavilhão Mário Azevedo Gomes, University of Lisbon, ISA, Lisbon. [Link]
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Mahjonging Key functional and taxonomic tiles in near-natural Mediterranean riparian woods (SW Iberia, Portugal). 51st Annual Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, 7-12 September 2008, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
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River vegetation Tales from Western Iberia. 48th Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, 24-29 July 2005 Lisbon, Portugal.
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