Organisation of Special Sessions and Scientific fora, Chair of Sessions:
Francisca Aguiar IV Congreso Ibérico de Restauración Fluvial RESTAURARIOS 2023, 21-23 Junho 2023, Toledo, Espanha (Member of Scientific Committee).
4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2022), online, on 10–13 June 2021 (Member of Scientific Committee).
Aguiar FC e Rui Rivaes (organização). 2022. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL, 16 de novembro de 2022, Salão Nobre Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal
Atividade Ciência Viva: “Biodiversidade vegetal da Escola Raúl Lino” (em curso). Público-alvo: alunos Ensino Básico 4º ano, três momentos de visita, maio e junho de 2023.
Atividade “A biodiversidade escondida no Ramo da Espiga”. Dia Internacional do Fascínio das Plantas, 18 de maio de 2023, campus do ISA. Público-alvo: comunidades locais/público geral
Francisca Aguiar Moderação da Sessão Hydrological Restoration na 13th SERE Conference: Restoring Nature, Reconnecting People, 5-9 Setembro 2022, Aicante, Spain. (9 de Setembro 2022)
Francisca Aguiar (coordenadora), Rui Rivaes, Maria Rosário Fernandes & Maria João Martins. Noite dos Investigadores – ação de divulgação no âmbito do projeto RIVEAL, Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisboa, 24/09/2021.
Conferência Infraestruturas de Portugal “Conhecer. ..é Saber” – Gestão da vegetação adjacente a infraestruturas lineares (Organisation and Chair with Academia IP Francisca Aguiar & Jorge Manuel Machado) 9 September 2021 (online)
3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2021), online, on 10–13 June 2021 (Member of Scientific Committee).
Francisca Aguiar & Rui Rivaes. Special Session River vegetation – the challenges of management and conservation and their values and ecosystem services. 63rd IAVS Meeting, 20-23 September 2021, virtual meeting. Organisation and Chair of the Session
Workshop Project RIVEAL – RIver and riparian forest Values and Ecosystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, 15 January 2019, Forestry Auditorium, School of Agriculture, Lisboa. Organization and chair.
Special Session Ecosystem services in Agricultural Landscapes, International Conference on Ecological Sciences -Sécologie 2018, 23 October, Rennes, France. Chair of the Session (FC Aguiar & M. Planagenest)
Special Session Bringing interdisciplinary actions for river and riverine management. 2018. XIX Congresso da Associação Ibérica de Limnologia, 24-29 Junho 2018, Coimbra (FC Aguiar & MR Fernandes). Organization and chair.
Special Session Long-term-effects of human-disturbance. 2017 . The 60th IAVS Annual Symposium “Vegetation patterns in natural and cultural landscapes” Abstract. Palermo University Press: p. 34. (MR Fernandes & FC Aguiar). Organization and chair.
Workshop River Restoration and Management. 2016. Sala de Atos-ISA, 15-16 December 2016, Lisboa. Organization (FC Aguiar, MT Ferreira & MR Fernandes)
Special Session Riparian and aquatic vegetation: impacts of flow disturbance and flow regulation. 2015. Aquatic Plants 2015, 14-18 September 2015, Edinburgh, UK. Organization and chair (FC Aguiar, Angela Gurnell)
Seminar FLOWBASE: base de dados de atributos funcionais de plantas lenhosas ripárias. 2014. (FLOWBASE: data traitbase of woody riparian plants), 12 June 2014, Pavilhão Mário Azevedo Gomes, University of Lisbon, ISA, Lisbon. Organization and chair.
Special Session Nature conservation of aquatic and riparian vegetation. Symposium Aquatic Weeds 2012, 27-31 August 2012, Poznan, Poland. Organization and chair. (FC Aguiar & MT Ferreira)
Workshop/kick-off meeting of the Project OASIS: How to run regulated rivers in semi-arid regions?, Forestry Auditorium, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, 18 June 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Organization and chair.
Special Session Biodiversity and Functioning of Riparian habitats: indicators of change. 54th Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, 20-21 June 2011, Lyon, France. Organization and chair. (FC Aguiar & K. Van Looy)
Special Session Riparian Zones. XV Congress of Iberian Association of Limnology, Azores University, Ponta Delgada, 5th July 2010. Chair.
Ações de Divulgação
Organização da Atividade no Dia do Fascínio das Plantas “A Biodiversidade Escondida no Ramo da Espiga”; 18 de maio de 2023, CEF/ISA (com colaboração do LEAF).
Co-organização Plant Peddy-Paper – Tesouros da flora do ISA, Dia Aberto, 23 de maio de 2023.
Organização da Atividade no Dia do Fascínio das Plantas “Planta silvestre ou erva-daninha? À descoberta das comunidades florísticas de ecossistemas agrícolas”, inserido nas iniciativas globais da European Plant Science Organisation; 18 de maio de 2022, CEF/ISA.
Dia Aberto do ISA. 11 maio 2022 Atividades: Weedy Peddy-Paper – Tesouros da flora espontânea do campus do ISA; Plant Peddy-paper – À descoberta da flora ornamental do ISA; Plant Peddy-Paper – Tesouros da flora do ISA.
Universidade de Verão/ISA: 4 de julho e 11 de julho. “Plant Peddy Paper – Tesouros da flora do campus do ISA”
with CEFoutreach:
Seminar The Forest Engineer in the prevention and combat of rural wildfires, 11 April 2018, Sala de Actos, ISA, Lisbon (with Margarida Tomé; João Neves Silva)
Seminar Emergent Pests and Diseases in Forest Systems. 8 June 2017, Sala de Actos, School of Agriculture, Lisbon. (with M.Branco and H. Pereira)
Forest Sunset “International Day of Forests”, Forest Auditorium, School of Agriculture, Lisbon. (H Pereira)
International Conference CEF 40 years Looking back moving forward. 26-27 Janeiro 2017, Sala de Actos, School of Agriculture, Lisbon. (with H Pereira)
Forest Sunset and The Man Who Planted Trees, by TUT – University of Lisbon Theatre Company. 17 November 2016, Forest Auditorium, School of Agriculture, Lisbon. (with H Pereira)